Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolution

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Yesterday has been the ground that you have placed the foundation to start your next journey in life.
With this new year comes new beginnings.

Thinks the remember and do.
  • Believe in yourself
  • Hold your head up high
  • Smile
  • Remember life is an adventure
  • Laugh and smile a lot it keeps you well
  • Never give up... no matter how tough things get
  • say into the mirror everyday "I am extraordinary"
  • Follow your dreams
  • 1 step at a time
  • Turn down the negative Turn up the Positive
  • You get what you Focus on
  • Give your self permission to succeed
  • These are just a few sayings to remember, its up to you.

New Years Resolution I have written my goals down in stone but the time frame in sand.

Become a healthier me.
  • Exercise more
  • Eat healthier
  • Drink more water
        • CEO Chief Energy Officer
Give to others
  • Read more book Personal Development Books and blog about my findings
  • Offer assistance to those in need. (do good deeds)
  • Focus on my goals
  • Visualisation on my goals
  • Use focus energy on everything I do

Thursday, December 27, 2012

@Dream Big

Know where you are going

Be the person that you know that you can create anything.

Believing in yourself.

Believing in the company.

Expect Success.

Expecting that you will attract what you are after.

Visilation Every Day.

See it,  Touch it, Feel it.

You can do anything you set your mind to it.



Thursday, December 13, 2012



When I found this curriculum was in a very negative place.
I started looking for something else in my life, I want to do something fulfilling but did not know what.
Many things had crossed my mind but never thought I would end up doing a Personal Leadership Development Course.
It was like I stumbled across the course I was a person that just about had never ever read a book in my life. To now say that I enjoy reading.

The first thing that change in my life after starting this course was my outlook on life. Exercise was something I did now and again now to walking 6-7 days a week and really enjoying it, lost 8k with in the first 8-10 months and feeling great.
Never set goals before in my life and now setting goals and challenging myself to achieve more and been able to give more to others from the teaching of the course. Making others realise that we control our own destiny has been an in lighting experience.
My husband and I have grown in our relationship after 21 years of marriage believe that we are now closer than ever. 
One of the big things in the course is that you can just open to a page that you have read many times before and get something totally different out of it.
Just love it.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Thank you Unknow Author

Friday, November 16, 2012

Missing Moe

Today this is a very personal blog.

This past tuesday night at 10.45pm as I always do before going to bed give my girl dog a kiss good night, at 5.30 the next morning I always say good morning to her before I go for my walk.

That morning she was no where to be found. My husband and myself start searching for her around our yard we live on acre property we check under every bush tree branch every where in the house and yard 10 times over.My husband took the other dog to work as he could not and still does not understand how she could of got out he believes that she was stolen.

Here we are 3 days later and still looking yes we have done everything we can think of flyers in the letter boxes posters on the street signs, texted all the neighbours, ran the pounds in the area rang the vets in the area and also put an ad in the paper.

We can fully understand that we are only here for a short time, the thing is that we were always prepared to the right thing when it come to the time. We believe that it was not quite her time, I still have so much loving to give her. 3 days on all we want is to put her to rest in our garden if she has passed away where she is loved so much.

Moe had the best temperment for a border collie, one day out camping this guy said to us if your dog is gone in the morning do worry because I stolen her to breed, we let the guy know that she had been desexed. He went on to say he had never met a dog like MOE before. Very one just loved Moe.

As I try to occupy my mind everyday to keep on going im sure it will get easier, we will keep her in our thoughts. Walking the tracks around looking ringing the pound.

Love and Kisses to out much loved MOE whereever you are.

Come home to us soon.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Listing to what you hear

Today as I'm listing to a training call the trick is to actually take in what you have heard.

Before 9am in the morning these are a few things that I have heard on the call.

Continues action
Stop taking small steps and looking behind you because no one is looking anyway. (they are too involved in their own lives.
Its easy to under estimate what a individual can do.
Don't stop
Don't stop when you hit a wall push through it (imagine you are in a carton movie and you can walk through walls)
The truly challenged will get through the wall.
Don't let your lower self do the thinking. Your lower self will always find the problems your high self will find the solution.
We are all just average people make it through the wall.
Choose become the leader.
Push through anyone can do it.


We are all on the same playing field.
We are problem solvers.
Be very clear on what is the PRIZE
To become a leader you have to be the student.
Work harder on yourself.
Its not what i say it's who i am.
A lot of us are holding ourselves back.
We are already the Leaders.
If your on the path you are already the leader.

Their are a whole lot of people that don't want to be awakened.
Believe in yourself
Sharpen the saw
Manage yourself
I can do this
Refuse to be denied
Don't hang onto the baggage.
Show up everyday
Stop working from your lower self Stop creating the problem.
Believe that I am creating


Thursday, November 1, 2012


Ninety percent of all visits to health care providers are due to stress-related challenges.

Stress isn't always bad, but it is always a choice.
Simple things can make a difference...

  • Things Like
  • Take a lunch break every day
  • Make time for family and friends
  • Listen to your body, rest when it says rest.
  • Keep things in perspective.
  • Where clothes that make you feel good.
  • Prepare the night before.
  • Be sure the clock and the telephone belongs to you - not you to them.

Laugh love and choose to be happy.

Breathing and relaxation exercise are important stress relievers

Give yourself 15 minutes each day that belongs to no one but you. Do anything you want to do with it.
Prey or
Just suck your thumb!
It does not matter as long as you know that those 15 minutes are all yours.
Make time for fun.
Your body needs to be healthy both mentally and physically for peak performance.

Remember this is your life - your only life.

Its not a practice run.

image photo : Run with torch

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Never ever give up.

Imagine if Thomas Edison gave up!
Where would we today would we have the good old light bulb or we still be in the dark.

As we travel through life we are often thrown curve balls, the thing is that we have to catch those curve balls and just keep on going. Imagine if you gave up each time that curve ball came along what would you achieve. NEVER EVER GIVE UP.

We all have a choice in what direction that we take in our life.
You can move slowly or you can explode, you can navigate very carefully or you can throw caution to the wind.

Push your boundaries you can go at snails pace or you can go fast like the road runner.

This is a good time to remember your TEN MINUTE TASK, sometimes all you need is to break down the things you need to do into TEN MINUTE TASKS.

Use time to your advantage by Planned Persistence.

Think of time as a good friend. Any good friend is happy to assist you, but just start ordering this person about you will find how quickly your friendship will diminish!

The benefits of following through on your decisions are vast and life-changing.

Not following through erodes confidence self-image and self esteem.



Never Ever Give Up!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Which step has your Decisions taken you

Decisions come in many forms.

  • Degree of Decisions
  • Automatic Decisions
  • Routine Decisions
  • Safe Decisions
  • Bold Decisions
  • Reckless Decisions
  • Heart-Hearted Decisions
  • Firm Decisions

You must think about decisions don't act on impulse, work through the pro's and con's for every Decision that you make.

During your life and everyday you can course correct your Decisions.

Only make Decision that take you closer to your GOALS

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

One door shuts another door OPENS

If not, then why not? 

There is always a new choice and a new option. Do you stop short of considering this?

One of the primary attributes of Successful people is they never give up. 

“Never give up. Never give up. Never, never, never.”

When one door shuts, it is time to look for how something new can work. 
It’s easy to see how it can’t work—anyone can see that (and this is the common response). 

Keep looking for the new option or opportunity. Evaluate your Compass Heading and your North Star—has something shifted? Open your thinking to new ways to get where you want to go.


Many times, in retrospect, a closed door is really an improvement in disguise. 
Find con?dence in this fact alone. 
Act in accordance with your heart’s desire, in spite of past experiences and/or doubts.
 This is the way to stand out from the herd. 

New opportunities and adversity will arise as you go through your process, requiring Course Correction along the way.

Keep walking the walk.

You have to change to change.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Your life is a combination of outside (visible) and inside (invisible) realities.

Life is made up of both! 

What do you want on the outside of your life? 

  • Your house? 
  • Your car?  
  • What do you like to do with your spare time? 
  • The computer you use? 
  • The television you watch? 
  • What do you like to have around you? 
  • Pets? 
  • Friends? 
  • What do you like to eat? 
  • Drink? 
  • How about exercise? 
  • The beach? 
Remember, you always have a choice, and an opportunity to Course Correct. If
your outer life isn’t looking the way you prefer, make another choice. The only
thing holding you back is you. Choose it or lose it!

Some days you may feel that you are course correcting everyday, the thing is the more you course correct the closer you will get to your goals.

Your life will be like a roller coaster, some days you are high up on the ride and other you are at the bottom of the ride.

Remember to only make decision that get you closer to your goals.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Today as I listen to 1 of our training calls, I have realise that all you have to do to change your future is to move forward.
I listen to the leaders in the company masterminding with them every week.
A few points that come up for me are
Get Clear on your why
Do it
Ask questions
Have the right attitude
Plan your work 
Work your plan
Take action
Build up your mussel to get there
Your going to do it at some point
You may as well do it now

That last statement was one of the biggest ah moments today realising that I going to do it I might as well do it now.

You know in your heart that your going to do something why ponder on it for days and days, you know that you could be onto the next decision in your life tomorrow instead of procrastinating on yesterdays decision.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Creating goals its easier in threes.

When creating goals its easier in threes.
The reason it is easier in threes is that if you fail in one area you are still able to count the wins in other areas.
Today I am resetting my goals and setting three.
Every day write your wins down to count your wins as you see that you are making progress in one area then concentrate on another area to gain wins there.
You may be looking for win in many different areas in your life, relationship, financial, lose weight or just setting your sights to achieve a hobby goal that you have been putting off
 Remember to count your wins every day.
You may ask what my goals are
1:              Lose weight
2:              Sell unwanted items
3:              Introduce more people to our Personal Development Leadership Course.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today as I take Aim and actually achieve the next step of my Taking Aim Project.
Congratualtions to me that I have taken charge and finished the project.
My taking Aim project was getting back to one of my hobbies in making Shy dolls and putting them up for sale.

Sometimes the simplest things in life are the most rewarding.
Taking time out for yourself doing something that you love doing gives you the most joy.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Massive Action

Massive action

Up to me

We have the tools

Use your product (be a product of the product)

Right mind set

Set Goals

Take Action

Create vision

Be Committed

Have Vision



Part of the team

Committed 100%

These are the great tips that I received from our training call this morning.

The thing is that you have to be open to listen to information that is out there, its not just what I’m doing it is what ever you are doing you must have your listing ears on and also be robust in what you do.

If you take these things into consideration you will achieve in life.

Get out there and create your own results.

In closing      PLAY FOR YOU

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Playing the game to win

There are many people who wish to play the Big Game but very few who actually do.
As a Big Gamer, you will have no shortage of friends who respect you.
Most importantly you will have self-respect. This can’t be given to you; you earn this yourself. The Big Game is where self-respect and self-esteem reside.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Ladder

Don’t follow up someone else’s ladder of life. Life is meant to be enjoyed and experienced for yourself. Experiment with what you can discover in life. What do you need to do to move up the ladder, is everyone in your life helping you to achieve your dreams. The ladder is a scale it is a tool, to create desired results. We are all standing on a rung on the ladder are you moving up or down the ladder of life. I have a little saying only make decision that bring me closer to my goals. What have you done today that is a positive move up your ladder of life. Have you made a positive move towards your goals or have you retracted in life. Yesterday I spoke to a lady that had reached out to get some information on the Home Business and when it come down to it she was not prepared to step out of her own cocoon. Act as if you could not fail take on life with positive thoughts continue to take action followed by more action. Develop your mind believe that you can’t fail, choose to success. Have a thing about this you cant think of a negative and a positive at the same time so you might as well think positive. Believe that you can create, don’t accept reality. Moving forward on the ladder creates space for others on the ladder. Take control of your life follow through with your responsibilities.

Monday, June 4, 2012

One step at a TIME

If a step seems too di???cult to undertake, break it down into smaller increments.
Do what you can easily do now; solve the problems that are easily solvable now. Resist the temptation to think too far ahead where you will likely envision an obstacle you see no possibility of overcoming.
Its is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.
Talk the walk
Negativity will enter your conversation from time to time.
Be the creator in your conversation; be the leader.
People will treat you how you allow them to; you must teach people how to treat you.
As the Law of Attention dictates, our attention is our greatest asset. It literally grants life. Gaining the ability to focus our attention at will is the single most important thing we can do.

You build skills through your ability to pay attention, and the more attention you can pay the quicker and better you can build your skill. The more attention you have to pay toward a person, the more you can co-create who they will be in your presence and the more you can see them grow and become more successful. 

This is very important in leadership. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Taking Aim

Today as I remember that I had committed to my taking Aim Project and find another hurdle, I just laugh to myself its like I looking for another way out.
That why we have challange ourselves and I have committe to this taking Aim Project.
What ever your taking aim project is just think about how you will feel when you have achieved your goal.
Feel that satisfaction, feel that joy in your heart that you  have achieve, visualise how it will look once you have complete your project.
Think about how others will be congratulating you in finishing your project.
One if my taking aim projects is not far finished stay tuned to find out more.
Remember what’s inside you that makes you special.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Conque Fear

Conque Fear
Find a better emotional state.
Create positive change
Some people believe that everyone else is out to get them, some people are afraid that they will be abandoned, others believe that this is a dog eat dog world and some believe everything will always turn out for the best. They believe this because this is their experience. They have either seen this behavior in others or they, themselves, actually behave this way.
Find something that relaxes your, de-stress with meditation and or yoga (good form of exercise at the same time).
To be able to achieve things you must find something you like.
Each choice takes work, each choice has its own set of obstacles, but only one choice leads to an upward spiral of joy and on purpose productivity.
It is in this context that personal development course allows a person to create the space to nurture and feed their remarkable, higher selves.
Conque Fear

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Count your Wins

Gratitude and acknowledgement are very powerful ways to occupy your thoughts.
When you count every step as a win, you automatically acknowledge your progress
and appreciate your efforts
Count your wins.
Somedays you have to look under every rock to count the wins. The thing is a win is a win no matter how small.
It could be I went for a walk today. I exercised, I got a close park at the shopping centre, I won my game of tennis, I got a pay rise at work, I helped a old lady accross the street, I wrote a blog. It does not matter how small a win is it's a win.
Keep on doing this every day you will see a patten for you have wins, you will be creating a success log of your wins.
Remember that to work harder on yourself than your business.

Monday, May 28, 2012


As we travel though life we go through many changes.
The things that may things make us change out minds that is ok, the thing is know what you are looking for what your goals are and keep on track with those goals.
You may come up with different opportunitys in life the thing is to stick to your guns and know what your goals are.
Remember changing your mind is just course correcting you will have t o adjust your course as you go along.
The game of life is much more a journey than a destination. It is ongoing and
requires consistent attention to create results you want. For those who are not
focused on activities surrounding their passion, this can become exhausting. They
become at the mercy of their lives rather than the cause.
Dont let fear stop you from moving forward
Believe in yourself.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Searching the Internet

Hints and Tips
Today I was surfing the Internet for 1 thing and came across something else that I have been looking for.
My hint for today is to have a open mind, sometimes when you search info you may not always find what you are looking for the hint is not to give up.
Some days you have to look under every rock to find what you are looking for it may take a little longer than you anticipated.
The thing is not to give up see your challenges to the end, some times you just not ready for the answer.

Today I found a couple ytubes not all the info that you find is going to be benifical, but the other info I found has already saved my 10 minutes a day.
The thing is to work smarter not hard

Friday, May 25, 2012

Staying on Course

Today is the 30th day of my challenge to blog everyday for thirty days and to loose weight.
As i have taken on this challange I have had my ups and down with staying on course with trying to loose weight.
I take my hat off to myself  for taking on this challenge and achieving the thirty days.
With my challange in losing weight i may not of lost the weight that I wanted to but I have not taken my eye on the goal, the key is to keep your eye on the goal.
Keeping my eye on the goal I will keep on going with my challenge to loose weight.
My challenge is to lose 5kg by August, I may not blog everyday but I will try to keep up with the challenge.

Day 30 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Grateful: Today I'm grateful that I have finished my thirty day challenge.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Master the Power of Social Media

Have you ever thought about social media and how things are very changing
Below is a link to Social Media Training this will help you out, no matter what sort of business.
Linked In

Master the Power of Social Media
FREE Social Media Training Buzz Zing!
Comprehensive series of 12 Individual Webinars on how to grow your business or profile!

Day 29 Wins
1 Blogged
Grateful: Grateful that we are all not the same as that would make the world a very dull place.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stop and Think

There is an actual physical response to focusing on the positvie.
Your body and mind are deeply interrelated, and you will begin to feel the benefits in your physical beign.
Success Education is about focusing on the positive.
Observing the negative without any judgment.
Work with the positives
Journal you emotions not suppress them.
As we travel through life we come accross may different herdles the key is to find the path over these hurdles, wheather it be over them around or through them.
I sure have take many hurdles in my life and I know that my life will be taking many more.
The thing is to grow and learn from your experiences and treasure the good moments

Day 28 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Grateful: That I can think through the decision in my life and find the right path for me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Where Does The Sun Get Its Energy?

Where Does The Sun Get Its Energy?

We often take things for grated, have you ever thought about where does the sun get its energy.
I hope you enjoy watching the ytube as much as I did, somedays you just need to take a step back and think about things.
Click on the link above to watch the video

Day 27 Wins
1 Blogged
Grateful: Today I'm grateful the there are other people in the world putting video's together to keep us on our toes and think about what makes the world go around.

Since starting with this home business.
I now have time to discover myself and open up my creative mind.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Being grateful of what you have is a big thing.
Enjoying the simple things in life can bring so much pleasure.
To as I dove home I stopped at the corner to discover a kangaroo sitting on my neighbours front lawn.
Today I grateful that I live in a bush setting and have wild life around.
Today I grateful that I have just realised that I did not post my blog three days ago.
Knowing that I did write it and just forgot to post it is a win in its self.
Thank full that I can realise the I have not let myself down on the challenge as it was just a human error in not posting it.
Be grateful for everything around you house, flowers, car, bed, food on the table.

Day 26 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised

Grateful: That I can realise what I have and be grateful.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Goal Setting

Getting clear on your Goals
You must be clear on your goals, have a think about what your realy want out of life you can set goals for many different things.
Personal, Health, Business Goals.
With your goals set short, Medium and Long term goals.
Once you have achieved your goals make new goals, write down your wins at the same time when you have achieved a goal tick them off as a win.
Sometimes in life your goals may change for time to time that is ok, its like resetting the destination, setting new goals.
The challange is to keep your eye on the goal and go for it.
Make yourself a vision board stick pitcures up of your goals weather it be a new car or house or career move.
You must believe in your goals say things like I am the proud owner of that new car, believe in what your goals and you will achieve them.

Day 25 Wins.
1 Blogged

Grateful: Today I’m grateful that I can reset my goals from time to time and know that I am going in the right direction.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Learning new things

As we travell through life we learn different things.
You know that somedays we just don’t take in what we have learnt.
Some times you have to listen to it over and over for some thing to sink in.
Its not because we don’t want to learn we just not ready to learn.
It may take days for something to sink in or evey weeks or years.
If you want to learn something you must be ready to learn.
Somedays you need to write it down to be able to absorb something other days you need to turn or listing ears on.
Kids learn new things much quicker than adults, teach it to your children and let them teach you,
Turn your listing ears on.
Thanks to KM’s SON
Day 24 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercise: Walked 1/4 hour
Grateful Today I’m grateful that I can learn new things

Friday, May 18, 2012


Today I take a step back and appreciated what I have.
What do you have in your life that you appreciated.
Today I have a grate man that loves me
Two dogs that I my world they are now both coming  to the age of 16 years and in human life that is 96 in June.
I have a caravan that we often go away for the weekend and enjoy life, instead of the normal every day thing what do you do?

Appreciate Life
Think about what you have and be grateful

Day 23 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hout

Grateful: Today I am grateful what I have in my life man that loves me and 2 dogs that love me and I love them.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Create positive change. Step outside the BOX

Today I’m 22 days into my Challenge of Blogging every day for 30 days, even tho I always believe I would be able to take on this challenge I never knew it would be this easy.
Somedays you just have to step outside of the BOX.
Take a look at the things that you have been doing in your life have you just been the same old thing everyday or have you been living outside the box.
Draw a square maybe with chalk on you drive way, go out there and stand in that box and dont move for say 10 minutes. You will feel that you have to move out side that box.
Think about that box and image that box is your life are you stepping out your BOX
This week do 1 thing outside your box and the next week another. Give yourself a reward when you have achieve stepping outside the box.
It could be something simple like helping someone out across the road or returning someone’s trolley in the car park or may be paying it forward paying for the persons behind you car park ticket.
Stepping outside the box could be as simple as taking up a sport that you use to do when you was a school, taking on a new challenge, new Job or starting your own Business.

Day 22 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour
Grateful that I can step outside my box and write this Blog

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Smiling boy picking fruit in tree photo

What does commitment mean to you?
Does it mean just having a go at some thing, and then giving up when it gets all too hard.
Or does it mean seeing it to the end.
Its not the fact that it’s too hard its the fact that you need to find a better way.
Work smarter not harder.
Knowing for your self that sense of achievement.
It could be the simple things in life you have committed to personally or in business committing to a new adventure.

Day 21 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Grateful: Today I’m grateful that that I had the opportunity to take into’s on our Professional Marketers call today.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Counting your wins

As we travel through life we forget to pat ourselves on the Back.
Its all about counting our wins.
What wins have you had today.
Remember that a win is a win no matter how small the win is.
It could be that you were cut off in traffic today and did not get mad at that person that cut you off, because you felt sorry that he/she had to be in such a rush and not sit back and enjoy the music in his car or the great day with the sun shinning.
You could count your wins that you found a parking so close to the shops.
Or that you managed to get up and go for a walk today and that you feel good that you did.
Just remember a win is a win no matter how small.
Day 20 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Win that I am proud of my self that I did not force my self to exercise considering I had big day.
Grateful: Grateful that I have shared the my Vision of the future with another person today

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bold Decision in Business

Making Bold decisions.
You must believe that decisions are attainable, you must set out your personal map, your destination your desire.
Must train for what you want where it be a artist, chef, champion boxer, or even a doctor or lawyer.
Your decisions must be in line with what you believe are attainable.
Think about what you really want make a list and give your reason why.  Are you looking for a different job, love, a new car or even a new home it comes back to the principals about  finding the right vehicle.
Degrees of Decisions                          Decisions come in all shapes and sizes.
BIG small Quickly or Slowly
Easily or with difficulty Simple or complex.
We make pattens in our decisions in our everyday life. Getting out of bed at the same time every day brewing a cup of coffee, brushing your teeth, checking your emails.
Beware that Decisions have consequences, good or bad.
Automatic Decisions
Routine Decisions
Safe Decisions
Bold Decisions
Reckless Decisions
Think about your Decisions before you make them, say to yourself I only make Decisions that lead me closer to my goal.

Day 19 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised Walked 1/2 hour

Grateful: I'm grateful that i make only make decisions that lead me closer to my goal.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


When you change you mind your either moving towards to something or running away from something.
Push through is the Key, you need to believe in yourself.
Repeat after me I am the supreme authority of my life I always have been and I always will be.
Check in with your North Star and Compass consult with your Future Self.
Find yourself a place where you can yell from the roof tops.
If you can't find that place take a drive out to the country stop when you find some cows and let them know that you are the Supreme Authority of my life I aways have been and I always will be.
Don't laugh it makes you feel good just try it, a cool room can do the same job.

Day 18 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: 1/2 hour
Grateful. Grateful that I can set my goals and realised when I'm off course and correct my course.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Take the Responsibility of your own life

Responsibility of life is yours

The challenges of life are up to you to discover, you need to discover the magic of life.
Don't be satisfied with what you have this life is up to you, you need to discover the secret to life.
You need to conscious of what is around you for a super conscious join together to create a  super level of conscious.
Thing is that you are looking for the power of working together imagine if you could put 5 brains together they would for a super computer, SUPER CONSCIOUS.
Its the game of life create ability get in sink with your create ability, be entrained to your level of ability.
Centre of ability be on purpose success habits, success mind set raise your ability.
Set the entention express, break through barriers.
Rediscover the higher self the magic of life.
Always be open to another point of view, discover more about your self.
See yourself at the course of everything in your life open yourself up to create the things in your life don't believe that you are a victim in your life.
We are at course at our life's even tho we don't know how we have coursed it.
You will get to the goal a lot quicker if you look after yourself raise your vitality.
The universe does not give any energy that your not going to use, you have to raise the vitality to be able to race up that hill (raise the bar).
Raise your vitality level so all the obstacles are easy to over come, the only way to get something done is to have fun, if its not fun it shan't be done, (make work fun).
Change your life on the believe of someone else imagine that take someone else's believe and run with it use that believe and run with it.
Don't let the current of the tide take you out, work with the tide and ride it in.
It takes less effort to become successful, go with the currents navigate the currents.
Currents are our belief systems stay with the current stay with the flow.
We are the products of our beliefs take control of our life, take control of our beliefs.
Climb that ladder of life.
Remember to turn your listing ears on.

Day 17 wins
1: Blogged
2:  Exercised Walked 1/2 hour

Grateful: I'm grateful that I can take responsibility for the flow in my life.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Taking Aim

Today thinking back to 2 months ago.
I started a Taking Aim Project, as we do go all guns blazing and then sometimes we find the smallest hurdle we seem to fall over and just don't get back up on that horse straight away.
I started found a small challange and the decide to resoulve this problem. I asked the question and sort out the solutions and then once I had found the solutions I just forgot to get back on the horse.
Today I am taking on my next challange in the next thirty days to have my taking Aim Project up and running.

Some days we need to challage ourselves to do something.

What in your life do you want to achieve, make that decision today and give yourself 2 months to achive that project.Have you always want to get fit join a gym, write a book, Become a Painter take up art classes, Learn a language, what ever your taking Aim Project is do it for yourself take on that challange.
Day 16 Wins
1: Blogger
2: exercised Walked 1/2 hour
Greatful: Today I'm greatful that I can set these challanges in my life, its a great feeling at the end when you ave achived.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Finding the right vehicle

As we travel this road of life its a matter of find the right Vehicle in life to take us to our destination.

The only way that your not going to get to where you want to go is by taking your eye off the GOAL.
You need to decide what your goal is, and how you are going to get there, once you have decide that STICK to IT like Glue.

Once you have decide what you want out of life opportunities will open up to you.

Just a short story my husband and myself had bought our first home we knew that its would not be our last. Why you may ask well it was only a vehicle at the time to get us to our next destination.

We would often look at the new display villages we had decide on our next house years before we would get there. We like 2 house from the same company and years later we found a block of land on the road that we want to live on. The choice of the 2 house only 1 would be able to be build on that block, which I so glad of because the other house would just not of suited the block. We never took our eye of the goal we just had to find the right vechile to get us to our next destination.



Day 15 Wins
1: Blogged
2 Exercised

Greatful: Today I'm greatful that I can share this journey that I am on with many others and show then the vehicle that I have found to fulfill my Goals.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


As you may well know that I have spoken before on TEN MINUTE TASK.

Why you may ask yourself am I talking about it again?

Well we need this to sink in to do a task it only takes ten minutes, once you have achieve your ten minute task you can start making those task before a little longer, you can achieve more.

One thing in my life that I did find hard was doing the cleaning, it’s not because I don’t like a clean house it’s the fact that I don’t like the chemicals and what they do to my hands.

I now have natural ways to do the cleaning bi-carb soda and vinegar, I now break my cleaning down to ten minutes.

This could be just simple things like cleaning the bathroom sink and mirror, ten minutes or less well done pat on the back. Ten minutes to dust and vacumme that room and then onto the next it only takes TEN MINUTES.

Give it a go

See what you can achieve in ten minutes
Wash the car, dog clean some window, wash the dishers, put the washing on, do some ironing. Remeber it does not just have to me the cleaning duties it may be something you have been putting of with your work sending a email, paying a bill.
You will achieve more if you break it down into ten minutes

Day 14 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Greatful: Today i'm so greatful that I am a have personal develpment to lead me on the right path in life.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Driven by passion

You must discover yourself.
Use that anger to motivate yourself whatever that anger maybe (give yourself permission to achieve).
The pain we have inside of us USE IT as A TOOL in our life.
Goal is to find yourself operate from your HIGHER SELF.
Personal development is designed to sell the person back to themselves by giving them a clearer perspective to see their own life.
Success Education, give each person a method of revitalizing themselves. Understand your own potential.
Find your mix your formulas for life, feel each moment of the day.
Bring out your enthusiasm and joy. Leave the negative moments in the past.
Your ultimate goal is to raise your happiness level for any given present moment. Making the commitment to yourself that each day you will use this time to raise yourself up is of the utmost importance.
Day 13 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Greatful: Greatful that I have the drive fire in my belly to achieve more in life.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Appreciating Nature

As I sit in the great outdoors my thoughts take me back to thing when I read part of my personal development course, appreciating what’s around you.

Looking up into the sky at 10pm at night and thinking how the clouds were created and what wonder we have around us.

As I go for a walk every morning up the road following the river bed and appreciating nature seeing how the water runs over the rocks and creates water falls. Its amazing to see on one side of the bridge that the water looks so still and does not even look like it is running. And then on the other side of the bridge it is running so fast over the rocks and creating water falls.

Thinking how the rocks were created and the amazement that on one side is a great big rock wall 15 metres high and on the other side being grazing land. Camping beside the river beds walking up in the morning and appreciating listing to the river flow listing to nature as I lay there.

Getting up early in the morning and seeing the sun hitting the ground and warming everything up its amazing to watch how the moisture is evaporating

Have you ever wondered how things were made paper, plastic, metal, tin who create these items.
Where would we be today without electricity, take the time out of your day to think about how everything was made who invented it, (chair that your sitting tables computer, clock, white goods, plastic the list goes on and on.

Day 12 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised walked 1/2 hour
Grateful: Today i’m grateful for generous people in the world.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Go for It

Winning Beats Losing
What do you want out of life?
You must be clear on what you want out of life, set your goals.
How we Deny ourselves success.
It doesn’t matter what others think, only your own standards will work for you. You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. Go for it.
To be able to create your success you must stick to it, treat your encounters as challanges and learn from your mistakes.
Remember that you must be able to have the down time, work harder on yourself than your business.
Once you have started something see it through and finish the Job, even its cleaning out the kitchen cupboards (remember to finish the job).
Stick to it.
Generate your own luck.
Complaining won’t change your luck, fill your mind with positive energy instead of negitive thoughts you cant thing a negitive and a positive at the same time, Think Positive.
Making your DREAMS come true.
Successful people don’t look at the clock, they just keep at it until the job is done.

Day 10 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Greatful: Greatful that I have internet service and can post this Blog while out camping enjoying life in the great outdoors.