Friday, November 16, 2012

Missing Moe

Today this is a very personal blog.

This past tuesday night at 10.45pm as I always do before going to bed give my girl dog a kiss good night, at 5.30 the next morning I always say good morning to her before I go for my walk.

That morning she was no where to be found. My husband and myself start searching for her around our yard we live on acre property we check under every bush tree branch every where in the house and yard 10 times over.My husband took the other dog to work as he could not and still does not understand how she could of got out he believes that she was stolen.

Here we are 3 days later and still looking yes we have done everything we can think of flyers in the letter boxes posters on the street signs, texted all the neighbours, ran the pounds in the area rang the vets in the area and also put an ad in the paper.

We can fully understand that we are only here for a short time, the thing is that we were always prepared to the right thing when it come to the time. We believe that it was not quite her time, I still have so much loving to give her. 3 days on all we want is to put her to rest in our garden if she has passed away where she is loved so much.

Moe had the best temperment for a border collie, one day out camping this guy said to us if your dog is gone in the morning do worry because I stolen her to breed, we let the guy know that she had been desexed. He went on to say he had never met a dog like MOE before. Very one just loved Moe.

As I try to occupy my mind everyday to keep on going im sure it will get easier, we will keep her in our thoughts. Walking the tracks around looking ringing the pound.

Love and Kisses to out much loved MOE whereever you are.

Come home to us soon.

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