Wednesday, May 9, 2012


As you may well know that I have spoken before on TEN MINUTE TASK.

Why you may ask yourself am I talking about it again?

Well we need this to sink in to do a task it only takes ten minutes, once you have achieve your ten minute task you can start making those task before a little longer, you can achieve more.

One thing in my life that I did find hard was doing the cleaning, it’s not because I don’t like a clean house it’s the fact that I don’t like the chemicals and what they do to my hands.

I now have natural ways to do the cleaning bi-carb soda and vinegar, I now break my cleaning down to ten minutes.

This could be just simple things like cleaning the bathroom sink and mirror, ten minutes or less well done pat on the back. Ten minutes to dust and vacumme that room and then onto the next it only takes TEN MINUTES.

Give it a go

See what you can achieve in ten minutes
Wash the car, dog clean some window, wash the dishers, put the washing on, do some ironing. Remeber it does not just have to me the cleaning duties it may be something you have been putting of with your work sending a email, paying a bill.
You will achieve more if you break it down into ten minutes

Day 14 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Greatful: Today i'm so greatful that I am a have personal develpment to lead me on the right path in life.

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