Friday, May 25, 2012

Staying on Course

Today is the 30th day of my challenge to blog everyday for thirty days and to loose weight.
As i have taken on this challange I have had my ups and down with staying on course with trying to loose weight.
I take my hat off to myself  for taking on this challenge and achieving the thirty days.
With my challange in losing weight i may not of lost the weight that I wanted to but I have not taken my eye on the goal, the key is to keep your eye on the goal.
Keeping my eye on the goal I will keep on going with my challenge to loose weight.
My challenge is to lose 5kg by August, I may not blog everyday but I will try to keep up with the challenge.

Day 30 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Grateful: Today I'm grateful that I have finished my thirty day challenge.

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