Sunday, May 13, 2012


When you change you mind your either moving towards to something or running away from something.
Push through is the Key, you need to believe in yourself.
Repeat after me I am the supreme authority of my life I always have been and I always will be.
Check in with your North Star and Compass consult with your Future Self.
Find yourself a place where you can yell from the roof tops.
If you can't find that place take a drive out to the country stop when you find some cows and let them know that you are the Supreme Authority of my life I aways have been and I always will be.
Don't laugh it makes you feel good just try it, a cool room can do the same job.

Day 18 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: 1/2 hour
Grateful. Grateful that I can set my goals and realised when I'm off course and correct my course.

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