Thursday, May 17, 2012

Create positive change. Step outside the BOX

Today I’m 22 days into my Challenge of Blogging every day for 30 days, even tho I always believe I would be able to take on this challenge I never knew it would be this easy.
Somedays you just have to step outside of the BOX.
Take a look at the things that you have been doing in your life have you just been the same old thing everyday or have you been living outside the box.
Draw a square maybe with chalk on you drive way, go out there and stand in that box and dont move for say 10 minutes. You will feel that you have to move out side that box.
Think about that box and image that box is your life are you stepping out your BOX
This week do 1 thing outside your box and the next week another. Give yourself a reward when you have achieve stepping outside the box.
It could be something simple like helping someone out across the road or returning someone’s trolley in the car park or may be paying it forward paying for the persons behind you car park ticket.
Stepping outside the box could be as simple as taking up a sport that you use to do when you was a school, taking on a new challenge, new Job or starting your own Business.

Day 22 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour
Grateful that I can step outside my box and write this Blog

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