Saturday, May 5, 2012

Go for It

Winning Beats Losing
What do you want out of life?
You must be clear on what you want out of life, set your goals.
How we Deny ourselves success.
It doesn’t matter what others think, only your own standards will work for you. You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. Go for it.
To be able to create your success you must stick to it, treat your encounters as challanges and learn from your mistakes.
Remember that you must be able to have the down time, work harder on yourself than your business.
Once you have started something see it through and finish the Job, even its cleaning out the kitchen cupboards (remember to finish the job).
Stick to it.
Generate your own luck.
Complaining won’t change your luck, fill your mind with positive energy instead of negitive thoughts you cant thing a negitive and a positive at the same time, Think Positive.
Making your DREAMS come true.
Successful people don’t look at the clock, they just keep at it until the job is done.

Day 10 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Greatful: Greatful that I have internet service and can post this Blog while out camping enjoying life in the great outdoors.

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