Tuesday, October 9, 2012

One door shuts another door OPENS

If not, then why not? 

There is always a new choice and a new option. Do you stop short of considering this?

One of the primary attributes of Successful people is they never give up. 

“Never give up. Never give up. Never, never, never.”

When one door shuts, it is time to look for how something new can work. 
It’s easy to see how it can’t work—anyone can see that (and this is the common response). 

Keep looking for the new option or opportunity. Evaluate your Compass Heading and your North Star—has something shifted? Open your thinking to new ways to get where you want to go.


Many times, in retrospect, a closed door is really an improvement in disguise. 
Find con?dence in this fact alone. 
Act in accordance with your heart’s desire, in spite of past experiences and/or doubts.
 This is the way to stand out from the herd. 

New opportunities and adversity will arise as you go through your process, requiring Course Correction along the way.

Keep walking the walk.

You have to change to change.

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