Saturday, May 19, 2012

Learning new things

As we travell through life we learn different things.
You know that somedays we just don’t take in what we have learnt.
Some times you have to listen to it over and over for some thing to sink in.
Its not because we don’t want to learn we just not ready to learn.
It may take days for something to sink in or evey weeks or years.
If you want to learn something you must be ready to learn.
Somedays you need to write it down to be able to absorb something other days you need to turn or listing ears on.
Kids learn new things much quicker than adults, teach it to your children and let them teach you,
Turn your listing ears on.
Thanks to KM’s SON
Day 24 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercise: Walked 1/4 hour
Grateful Today I’m grateful that I can learn new things

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