Monday, May 7, 2012

Appreciating Nature

As I sit in the great outdoors my thoughts take me back to thing when I read part of my personal development course, appreciating what’s around you.

Looking up into the sky at 10pm at night and thinking how the clouds were created and what wonder we have around us.

As I go for a walk every morning up the road following the river bed and appreciating nature seeing how the water runs over the rocks and creates water falls. Its amazing to see on one side of the bridge that the water looks so still and does not even look like it is running. And then on the other side of the bridge it is running so fast over the rocks and creating water falls.

Thinking how the rocks were created and the amazement that on one side is a great big rock wall 15 metres high and on the other side being grazing land. Camping beside the river beds walking up in the morning and appreciating listing to the river flow listing to nature as I lay there.

Getting up early in the morning and seeing the sun hitting the ground and warming everything up its amazing to watch how the moisture is evaporating

Have you ever wondered how things were made paper, plastic, metal, tin who create these items.
Where would we be today without electricity, take the time out of your day to think about how everything was made who invented it, (chair that your sitting tables computer, clock, white goods, plastic the list goes on and on.

Day 12 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised walked 1/2 hour
Grateful: Today i’m grateful for generous people in the world.

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