Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Counting your wins

As we travel through life we forget to pat ourselves on the Back.
Its all about counting our wins.
What wins have you had today.
Remember that a win is a win no matter how small the win is.
It could be that you were cut off in traffic today and did not get mad at that person that cut you off, because you felt sorry that he/she had to be in such a rush and not sit back and enjoy the music in his car or the great day with the sun shinning.
You could count your wins that you found a parking so close to the shops.
Or that you managed to get up and go for a walk today and that you feel good that you did.
Just remember a win is a win no matter how small.
Day 20 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Win that I am proud of my self that I did not force my self to exercise considering I had big day.
Grateful: Grateful that I have shared the my Vision of the future with another person today

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