Thursday, December 13, 2012



When I found this curriculum was in a very negative place.
I started looking for something else in my life, I want to do something fulfilling but did not know what.
Many things had crossed my mind but never thought I would end up doing a Personal Leadership Development Course.
It was like I stumbled across the course I was a person that just about had never ever read a book in my life. To now say that I enjoy reading.

The first thing that change in my life after starting this course was my outlook on life. Exercise was something I did now and again now to walking 6-7 days a week and really enjoying it, lost 8k with in the first 8-10 months and feeling great.
Never set goals before in my life and now setting goals and challenging myself to achieve more and been able to give more to others from the teaching of the course. Making others realise that we control our own destiny has been an in lighting experience.
My husband and I have grown in our relationship after 21 years of marriage believe that we are now closer than ever. 
One of the big things in the course is that you can just open to a page that you have read many times before and get something totally different out of it.
Just love it.

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