Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stop and Think

There is an actual physical response to focusing on the positvie.
Your body and mind are deeply interrelated, and you will begin to feel the benefits in your physical beign.
Success Education is about focusing on the positive.
Observing the negative without any judgment.
Work with the positives
Journal you emotions not suppress them.
As we travel through life we come accross may different herdles the key is to find the path over these hurdles, wheather it be over them around or through them.
I sure have take many hurdles in my life and I know that my life will be taking many more.
The thing is to grow and learn from your experiences and treasure the good moments

Day 28 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Grateful: That I can think through the decision in my life and find the right path for me.

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