Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Driven by passion

You must discover yourself.
Use that anger to motivate yourself whatever that anger maybe (give yourself permission to achieve).
The pain we have inside of us USE IT as A TOOL in our life.
Goal is to find yourself operate from your HIGHER SELF.
Personal development is designed to sell the person back to themselves by giving them a clearer perspective to see their own life.
Success Education, give each person a method of revitalizing themselves. Understand your own potential.
Find your mix your formulas for life, feel each moment of the day.
Bring out your enthusiasm and joy. Leave the negative moments in the past.
Your ultimate goal is to raise your happiness level for any given present moment. Making the commitment to yourself that each day you will use this time to raise yourself up is of the utmost importance.
Day 13 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 hour

Greatful: Greatful that I have the drive fire in my belly to achieve more in life.

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