Monday, October 8, 2012


Your life is a combination of outside (visible) and inside (invisible) realities.

Life is made up of both! 

What do you want on the outside of your life? 

  • Your house? 
  • Your car?  
  • What do you like to do with your spare time? 
  • The computer you use? 
  • The television you watch? 
  • What do you like to have around you? 
  • Pets? 
  • Friends? 
  • What do you like to eat? 
  • Drink? 
  • How about exercise? 
  • The beach? 
Remember, you always have a choice, and an opportunity to Course Correct. If
your outer life isn’t looking the way you prefer, make another choice. The only
thing holding you back is you. Choose it or lose it!

Some days you may feel that you are course correcting everyday, the thing is the more you course correct the closer you will get to your goals.

Your life will be like a roller coaster, some days you are high up on the ride and other you are at the bottom of the ride.

Remember to only make decision that get you closer to your goals.

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