Monday, May 21, 2012


Being grateful of what you have is a big thing.
Enjoying the simple things in life can bring so much pleasure.
To as I dove home I stopped at the corner to discover a kangaroo sitting on my neighbours front lawn.
Today I grateful that I live in a bush setting and have wild life around.
Today I grateful that I have just realised that I did not post my blog three days ago.
Knowing that I did write it and just forgot to post it is a win in its self.
Thank full that I can realise the I have not let myself down on the challenge as it was just a human error in not posting it.
Be grateful for everything around you house, flowers, car, bed, food on the table.

Day 26 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised

Grateful: That I can realise what I have and be grateful.

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