Sunday, May 20, 2012

Goal Setting

Getting clear on your Goals
You must be clear on your goals, have a think about what your realy want out of life you can set goals for many different things.
Personal, Health, Business Goals.
With your goals set short, Medium and Long term goals.
Once you have achieved your goals make new goals, write down your wins at the same time when you have achieved a goal tick them off as a win.
Sometimes in life your goals may change for time to time that is ok, its like resetting the destination, setting new goals.
The challange is to keep your eye on the goal and go for it.
Make yourself a vision board stick pitcures up of your goals weather it be a new car or house or career move.
You must believe in your goals say things like I am the proud owner of that new car, believe in what your goals and you will achieve them.

Day 25 Wins.
1 Blogged

Grateful: Today I’m grateful that I can reset my goals from time to time and know that I am going in the right direction.

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