Monday, May 14, 2012

Bold Decision in Business

Making Bold decisions.
You must believe that decisions are attainable, you must set out your personal map, your destination your desire.
Must train for what you want where it be a artist, chef, champion boxer, or even a doctor or lawyer.
Your decisions must be in line with what you believe are attainable.
Think about what you really want make a list and give your reason why.  Are you looking for a different job, love, a new car or even a new home it comes back to the principals about  finding the right vehicle.
Degrees of Decisions                          Decisions come in all shapes and sizes.
BIG small Quickly or Slowly
Easily or with difficulty Simple or complex.
We make pattens in our decisions in our everyday life. Getting out of bed at the same time every day brewing a cup of coffee, brushing your teeth, checking your emails.
Beware that Decisions have consequences, good or bad.
Automatic Decisions
Routine Decisions
Safe Decisions
Bold Decisions
Reckless Decisions
Think about your Decisions before you make them, say to yourself I only make Decisions that lead me closer to my goal.

Day 19 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised Walked 1/2 hour

Grateful: I'm grateful that i make only make decisions that lead me closer to my goal.

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