Friday, May 4, 2012

Do I need it

My mother said to be once if you go into a shop you have to ask yourseld three time do I really what it, can I afford it, can I live without it.  If you can go home and stop thinking about something I believe that you can live without it. If you go home and can not stop thinking about the item then maybe you were ment to buy it.
How many times have you bought something and never got the value out of that item. I personally have bought shoes and item of clothes that have only wore once and then decide that I really liked the item or in the case of the pair of shoes not been as comfatable as I thought.
So back to my mothers rule ask yourseld three time do I really what it, can I afford it, can I live without it.

Day 10 Wins
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: walked 1/2 hour
Greatful: Today I’m greatful that I have a choice.

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