Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

Think of an example of when you have acted as an entrepreneur to achieve a success in your life.

Remember clearly the steps you took to make that happen, and visualize yourself as you achived that goal.

How did you feel during this process?
How did you feel when you achieved the results you desired?

A entrepreneur will be standing tall, sitting up in the chair instead of slouching down, knowing that you are achieving and you are travelling in the direction of your goals.

Keeping your head held high even when you know that you have made a mistake.
Being a Entrepreneur is stepping out of your confort zone in Business.

Are you a Entrpreneur in
Your relationship
In business starting up you own
Entrepreneur with you family in teaching them right and wrong in life.
Pursuit of new ventures

Entrepreneurs keep their I on the goal (everyday)

Day 7 Wins
1: Blogged

2: Exercised 1/2 hour

Greatful: I’m greatful that I have found the pleasure of reading.

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