Thursday, September 10, 2015

Inspiration only takes one moment we just have to open to be inspired.

Taking in what you are leaning

Somedays we can hear what we are being taught, but if we don’t have our listing ears on it just won’t sink in (thanks to KM son have your got your listing ears on mummy)

My thoughts on how to take things in.

  • Turn everything else off when you are listening
  • Take notes 
  • If it is a recording stop and start it as many time that you have to to hear what the person said
  • Live take quick notes and the go back and go over the recording, I bet you get something different out of it the second time
  • Write a blog about what you have heard it will sink into your mind a lot more
  • Take action on what you have learnt
  • Set goals on the new things that have triggered inspiration in you

It only takes a brief moment for inspiration

I have often thought to myself no I wont go for that walk this morning

  • I don’t want to go for a walk this morning i’ll have a day off
  •     Its much nicer in here in bed 
  •     Too cold out there
  •     Im too tired
  •     I will be late for work if I go for a walk 
  • You probably be late even if you don't go for a walk
  •     I will go for a walk when I come home
  •     Tomorrow is another day I will go for a bigger walk tomorrow
  •     No one is expecting me to walk with them

I have use those excuse and so many more  then biggest thing is that we have to have that goal what ever it is, other wise we can not create that inspiration to do something.

As silly as it sounds I wanted to draw with felt pens and colouring pens (doodling art) (Abstract Art) and today I bought myself a sketch book and started my abstract art, It only too one moment to get inspired to buy a sketch book to do my drawings in. But this has taken my some time to get motivated to start back my hobby. I had made some many excuse to take time out for myself. One moment in a meeting (thanks to PO said she once had a conversation with Jim Rohn) you have to work harder on yourself than you business. I can remember this as she said it yesterday even tho it was about 3 - 4 years ago. 

Inspiration only takes one moment we just have to be open to be inspired.

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