Sunday, September 13, 2015

Throwing your hat in the ring

Throwing your hat in the ring

Why we don’t step up to the plate.

After being at our training conference today I had time to myself driving home.
As the thoughts of the day run throw my head I realised over the course of the day that I’ve just been too hard on myself.

I have been doubting myself for so long and not stepping up to the plate. Have you ever heard of make sure that you get what you come for (thanks KM). I got that in the first five minutes of the afternoon, are you taking this serious. The big answer is big fat NO.

The reason why that I have been doubting my ability and I think that over time we don’t step up to the plate straight away when we certainly have had the opportunity. Then because we have not stepping up to the plate we start to retract into ourselves and just cant find away out. I as I stand here today I encourage everyone to stand up and be noticed as (LR) said the other day on a call day be loud and proud. Thanks to our personal development program we just have to depart from where we are make a decision and then take action.

Some of the things that we have to remember everyday.

  • Be serious about what you want and go for it
  • Every day stand up and be counted and decide what are 2 steps today you are going to take
  • Follow through on very thing that you do and don’t do it hart hearted
  • Change your thoughts on what is possible believe that everything is possible.
  • Make a decision and back it up with action
  • It’s not what happens it’s what your do about it.
  • Be the CEO of your own company everyday without fail
  • Belief in yourself don't doubt yourself 
  • They can do it I CAN DO IT
  • Be do have
  • Make bigger decisions
  • Have to be the leader you have to become the leader
  • I am the person I could be 

We all can go from O to hero as Sir Richard Branson says Screw it just do it.

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