Thursday, April 26, 2012

Setting a challange for yourself.

Today 26th April 2012 I set myself a challange to Blog everyday for the next 30 days.

During this 30 days I also set myself a challange to lose weight at least 1 kg.

As we move through life differnt challanges come up, but we really challange ourselves
This is why i have decide to take this challange on.
I have struggled to lose any more weight after losing eight kg.
I never thought that I would get to my first goal weight.
Once I was there, lost sight of the next goal weight.
It now has come to the stage that I’m annoyed with myself, that 1 peice of chocolte wont hurt, that chocolate muffin it will be all right I’ll walk tomorrow.

Today instead of having that treat, I had a piece of fruit.

Now not being a big fruit eater its not that I don’t like fruit, its the fact that I by fruit and then forget it is there and then it goes to waste. (maybe that will be my next challange to eat a piece of fruit everyday).

Listing to this mornings personal development call spoke about been greatful (Happy thank you more Please).

Day 1 Ticks are

1 Blogged
2 Exercised Walked 1/2 hour
3 Ate a Apple

Greatful that I have taken on this Personal Development Challange and live a more Happy Life

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