Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fixing the Fix

Create the Space
You must decide to do something other wise you won't create the space in your life.
The changes you are creating will be on every level of your life.
Ways you connect with others
How you feel about yourself
Your physical health.
Help yourself by working the Mix.
As humans we tend to avoid pain and situations that lead to pain.
A great way to Explore this is to draw out Your Mix.
Awareness is the first step to taking action toward increased understanding and ultimately control.
The more we know the easier we can take steps to look at these situation from a fresh point of view, which allows up to discover a deeper and more freeing truth (snipets of personal development program).
Have patience
Give yourself time and be kind to yourself.
Allow What Comes Up
Don't judge what might come up for you when exploring Your Mix.
Don't resist or deny, but allow and watch it. The goal is to become aware and familiar with what these patterns.
Take small steps 
Don't feel like you have to tackle the big things, first, or even every time.
High impact events in your Mix keep at it but don't feel you need to climb the entire mountain at once; take one small step at a time.
Build on small Distinctions
Every realization won't feel earth shattering, nor should it.
Cherish the subtle shifts as win and trust they are moving you forward at exactly the right pace.
Do the thing
Then do the thing again and again
Anything that happens in a person's life that becomes a persistent problem can create negative effects well beyond what seems reasonable or possible.
Day 4 Ticks
1 Blogged
2 Exercised 3/4 hour
Greatful: Greatful that I can make my own choices in life, and achieve my goals

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