Monday, April 30, 2012

The Pain Game

Man Scratching His Head and Pondering the Big Questions
Your mind is a computer.
It takes a certain amount of power to run your body and handle your daily routine.

We create habits this allows to accomplish routine tasks while using less computing power.

A person has a program running, our habits become programs, we become a problem solving programs that handle everything navigate through unexplored areas deciding the best approach.

Each failure of the past runs a program that never stops unless a person does two things learns more about the natural laws that govern success and failure.

Because the pain of each failure is outside of time, one cannot just sort it all out without a specific strategy.

Take into account obstacles, unsolvable problem, drain computer power.

People tend to either ignore the past or dwell in the past.

Get over thef feeling “needing to be right”.

Imagine you are walking down a side walk, you could walk forever down this wall. If this side walk was high in the air you would find most people to find this challenging. More energy more attention to get to the end.

It is vital that no matter where you are, whether you feel like you are winning or losing, you take the time to revel in your past wins.

It is either good maintenace or a much needed perspective adjustment and both are great for you.

ACTION CONQUERS FEAR “Peter Nivio Zarienga”

Day 5 Ticks
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 our

Greatful: Greatful that I have found this personal Development Programme and able to learn from this programme and from others

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