Monday, April 30, 2012

The Pain Game

Man Scratching His Head and Pondering the Big Questions
Your mind is a computer.
It takes a certain amount of power to run your body and handle your daily routine.

We create habits this allows to accomplish routine tasks while using less computing power.

A person has a program running, our habits become programs, we become a problem solving programs that handle everything navigate through unexplored areas deciding the best approach.

Each failure of the past runs a program that never stops unless a person does two things learns more about the natural laws that govern success and failure.

Because the pain of each failure is outside of time, one cannot just sort it all out without a specific strategy.

Take into account obstacles, unsolvable problem, drain computer power.

People tend to either ignore the past or dwell in the past.

Get over thef feeling “needing to be right”.

Imagine you are walking down a side walk, you could walk forever down this wall. If this side walk was high in the air you would find most people to find this challenging. More energy more attention to get to the end.

It is vital that no matter where you are, whether you feel like you are winning or losing, you take the time to revel in your past wins.

It is either good maintenace or a much needed perspective adjustment and both are great for you.

ACTION CONQUERS FEAR “Peter Nivio Zarienga”

Day 5 Ticks
1 Blogged
2 Exercised: Walked 1/2 our

Greatful: Greatful that I have found this personal Development Programme and able to learn from this programme and from others

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fixing the Fix

Create the Space
You must decide to do something other wise you won't create the space in your life.
The changes you are creating will be on every level of your life.
Ways you connect with others
How you feel about yourself
Your physical health.
Help yourself by working the Mix.
As humans we tend to avoid pain and situations that lead to pain.
A great way to Explore this is to draw out Your Mix.
Awareness is the first step to taking action toward increased understanding and ultimately control.
The more we know the easier we can take steps to look at these situation from a fresh point of view, which allows up to discover a deeper and more freeing truth (snipets of personal development program).
Have patience
Give yourself time and be kind to yourself.
Allow What Comes Up
Don't judge what might come up for you when exploring Your Mix.
Don't resist or deny, but allow and watch it. The goal is to become aware and familiar with what these patterns.
Take small steps 
Don't feel like you have to tackle the big things, first, or even every time.
High impact events in your Mix keep at it but don't feel you need to climb the entire mountain at once; take one small step at a time.
Build on small Distinctions
Every realization won't feel earth shattering, nor should it.
Cherish the subtle shifts as win and trust they are moving you forward at exactly the right pace.
Do the thing
Then do the thing again and again
Anything that happens in a person's life that becomes a persistent problem can create negative effects well beyond what seems reasonable or possible.
Day 4 Ticks
1 Blogged
2 Exercised 3/4 hour
Greatful: Greatful that I can make my own choices in life, and achieve my goals

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mistakes are often looked upon as a negitive


When you make mistakes the trick is not to let it dampen your entusiasm.
The real success is the accomplishment of your innermost goals and dreams.
With personal Development course is to retain and refocus your life so that new results you are in line with your personal hopes and dreams.
There can be many different reasons as to why you don’t have what you want in your life.
Begin to understand address and change those arears that are with your control or sphere of influence.
Accontablility is really about saying this process is up to you and no one else.
Changing your thinking changing your behaviour, will indeed change your life.
Day three ticks
1 Blogged:
2 Exercised: 3/4 hour
Greatful: That I have great friends around me and can enjoy a BBQ and their company.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Ten - Minute Tasks

Creating success habits will help you maintain a baseline of accomplishment in you life.

When you break things down into small task you are able to accomplish much more.

Think about those odd jobs that you have been putting off and break it down into small ten minute task.

Whatever it is, do it – in 10 minute or less – and Finish The Job. Then make a note in your Journal of the task you completed for future reference.

As you progress with doing your ten minute task you will be able to progress to longer period of times.
Your confidence will grow and you will feel great satisfaction.
Ten-Minute Tasks will help you develop successful results as you Take Action and Finish the Job.

My ten minute task today was to write this Blog and to achieve the next step towards my goal of blogging everyday for 30 days.


Day 2 ticks are
1 Blogged
2 Exercised Walked 1/2 hour

Greatful: Today I am greatful that I have a roof over my head, (its raining outside) Thank you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Setting a challange for yourself.

Today 26th April 2012 I set myself a challange to Blog everyday for the next 30 days.

During this 30 days I also set myself a challange to lose weight at least 1 kg.

As we move through life differnt challanges come up, but we really challange ourselves
This is why i have decide to take this challange on.
I have struggled to lose any more weight after losing eight kg.
I never thought that I would get to my first goal weight.
Once I was there, lost sight of the next goal weight.
It now has come to the stage that I’m annoyed with myself, that 1 peice of chocolte wont hurt, that chocolate muffin it will be all right I’ll walk tomorrow.

Today instead of having that treat, I had a piece of fruit.

Now not being a big fruit eater its not that I don’t like fruit, its the fact that I by fruit and then forget it is there and then it goes to waste. (maybe that will be my next challange to eat a piece of fruit everyday).

Listing to this mornings personal development call spoke about been greatful (Happy thank you more Please).

Day 1 Ticks are

1 Blogged
2 Exercised Walked 1/2 hour
3 Ate a Apple

Greatful that I have taken on this Personal Development Challange and live a more Happy Life