Monday, March 14, 2016

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Caroline Broomhall: Throwing your hat in the ring

Caroline Broomhall: Throwing your hat in the ring: Throwing your hat in the ring Why we don’t step up to the plate. After being at our training conference today I had time to mys...

Throwing your hat in the ring

Throwing your hat in the ring

Why we don’t step up to the plate.

After being at our training conference today I had time to myself driving home.
As the thoughts of the day run throw my head I realised over the course of the day that I’ve just been too hard on myself.

I have been doubting myself for so long and not stepping up to the plate. Have you ever heard of make sure that you get what you come for (thanks KM). I got that in the first five minutes of the afternoon, are you taking this serious. The big answer is big fat NO.

The reason why that I have been doubting my ability and I think that over time we don’t step up to the plate straight away when we certainly have had the opportunity. Then because we have not stepping up to the plate we start to retract into ourselves and just cant find away out. I as I stand here today I encourage everyone to stand up and be noticed as (LR) said the other day on a call day be loud and proud. Thanks to our personal development program we just have to depart from where we are make a decision and then take action.

Some of the things that we have to remember everyday.

  • Be serious about what you want and go for it
  • Every day stand up and be counted and decide what are 2 steps today you are going to take
  • Follow through on very thing that you do and don’t do it hart hearted
  • Change your thoughts on what is possible believe that everything is possible.
  • Make a decision and back it up with action
  • It’s not what happens it’s what your do about it.
  • Be the CEO of your own company everyday without fail
  • Belief in yourself don't doubt yourself 
  • They can do it I CAN DO IT
  • Be do have
  • Make bigger decisions
  • Have to be the leader you have to become the leader
  • I am the person I could be 

We all can go from O to hero as Sir Richard Branson says Screw it just do it.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Inspiration only takes one moment we just have to open to be inspired.

Taking in what you are leaning

Somedays we can hear what we are being taught, but if we don’t have our listing ears on it just won’t sink in (thanks to KM son have your got your listing ears on mummy)

My thoughts on how to take things in.

  • Turn everything else off when you are listening
  • Take notes 
  • If it is a recording stop and start it as many time that you have to to hear what the person said
  • Live take quick notes and the go back and go over the recording, I bet you get something different out of it the second time
  • Write a blog about what you have heard it will sink into your mind a lot more
  • Take action on what you have learnt
  • Set goals on the new things that have triggered inspiration in you

It only takes a brief moment for inspiration

I have often thought to myself no I wont go for that walk this morning

  • I don’t want to go for a walk this morning i’ll have a day off
  •     Its much nicer in here in bed 
  •     Too cold out there
  •     Im too tired
  •     I will be late for work if I go for a walk 
  • You probably be late even if you don't go for a walk
  •     I will go for a walk when I come home
  •     Tomorrow is another day I will go for a bigger walk tomorrow
  •     No one is expecting me to walk with them

I have use those excuse and so many more  then biggest thing is that we have to have that goal what ever it is, other wise we can not create that inspiration to do something.

As silly as it sounds I wanted to draw with felt pens and colouring pens (doodling art) (Abstract Art) and today I bought myself a sketch book and started my abstract art, It only too one moment to get inspired to buy a sketch book to do my drawings in. But this has taken my some time to get motivated to start back my hobby. I had made some many excuse to take time out for myself. One moment in a meeting (thanks to PO said she once had a conversation with Jim Rohn) you have to work harder on yourself than you business. I can remember this as she said it yesterday even tho it was about 3 - 4 years ago. 

Inspiration only takes one moment we just have to be open to be inspired.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Been so much different if I did not procrastinate

I started thinking back over my life in the last 10 years or so and things could of been so much different if I did not procrastinate. Thing is you just have to think about things that could of been so much different if you just made a decision sooner (not forgetting about the lesson that I now have learnt because I did not)

To cut a long story short last week on a training call I realised that I am a procrastinator.

Glad that I did not procrastinate and got up to walk that morning.

The day after my wake up call I did not hesitate to get out of bed to go for a walk and I'm so glad that I did.

I’ll share with you just a few things from my 1/2 hour walk.

As I set off for my walk at 6am in the morning I did not take so much notice that it was a very foggy morning as I was turning the corner it was very eerie that the fog was nestled down the valley over the hills.

My walk takes me down the road up a incline down a hill and then up another incline. As I was travelling along the road there was a very crisp clean feel about the air around me.

Normally on my walk I would see a few horses, ducks, maybe a kangaroo or two, and also a miniature horse.

On this morning I felt that I had walked back into yesterday era, it was as if the valley had been taken in time.

As I walked back after reaching the end of the road and turning back there was a white horse and its mate a miniature horse standing at the edge of the fence, but I did not see them on the way down, its like the were covered in fog only moments ago.

Then I came across a old cattle loading dock that had taken me back in time, I know that this had been there all the time when I walked but this particular morning it was like the fog had been lifted and I could see the beauty around me.

Up the road as I travelled along I could not see the top of the hill even that it was only metres away, this is when another eerie feeling come over me.

It just (fog)  kept on moving along with me and until I reached what I call the summit the fog had lifted only for a moment or two.

There was another eerie feeling coming over me that the fog had taken the hill that I had already travelled down not knowing what was on the other side.

The ducks were not even making a sound it was like they were under instructions to keep the noise down.

Another property they have a couple of fires ready to go for a family gathering, the fires are all stacked up to form a peak, something that not everyone knows how to do these days.

There’s a few horses up the road and one was watching me, and it was like he had come down to say “I’m watching you to see are you ok” or on the other hand was he saying please keep a eye on me.

I know it’s been a long story but the thing is what I did experience that morning I would not experienced if I was still in bed Procrastinating about going for a walk.

Stop procrastinating and enjoy your time on this planet as you have very little time.

To learn more about me check out my story at and see what I do

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Home Based Business Opportunity

Home Based Business Opportunity: Looking for a change.
Join a motivated sales team.
Do you have motivation to help others?