Monday, January 14, 2013

Remembering that we are all HUMAN

Remembering that we are all HUMAN

The human element is constantly taken out of the equation leaving people unaware as to how to create positive change.

People’s emotional state is determined by the context they view their lives through.

This context is largely invisible to others. .

Some people believe that everyone else is out to get them, others believe that this is a dog eat dog world and some believe everything will always turn out for the best.
Once a person feels they are trapped, they have a hard time motivating themselves or can feel perpetually irritated or depressed.
As adults we can be far off our path We look around to see that everyone else is just as dissatisfied and confused as we are, and we believe that this is what life is.
The Big Game is about taking more responsibility while learning new things and applying those concepts in the real world.
A person is not measured by their number of failed attempts, they are measured by their successes. This is important to realize because all success is the result of trial and error.
Are you playing the small game or the BIG GAME
The Big Game is where self-respect and self-esteem reside.

To get involve in the Big Game take on
Personal Development Leadership Course 1/3 of a masters degree

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