Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Never ever give up.

Imagine if Thomas Edison gave up!
Where would we today would we have the good old light bulb or we still be in the dark.

As we travel through life we are often thrown curve balls, the thing is that we have to catch those curve balls and just keep on going. Imagine if you gave up each time that curve ball came along what would you achieve. NEVER EVER GIVE UP.

We all have a choice in what direction that we take in our life.
You can move slowly or you can explode, you can navigate very carefully or you can throw caution to the wind.

Push your boundaries you can go at snails pace or you can go fast like the road runner.

This is a good time to remember your TEN MINUTE TASK, sometimes all you need is to break down the things you need to do into TEN MINUTE TASKS.

Use time to your advantage by Planned Persistence.

Think of time as a good friend. Any good friend is happy to assist you, but just start ordering this person about you will find how quickly your friendship will diminish!

The benefits of following through on your decisions are vast and life-changing.

Not following through erodes confidence self-image and self esteem.



Never Ever Give Up!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Which step has your Decisions taken you

Decisions come in many forms.

  • Degree of Decisions
  • Automatic Decisions
  • Routine Decisions
  • Safe Decisions
  • Bold Decisions
  • Reckless Decisions
  • Heart-Hearted Decisions
  • Firm Decisions

You must think about decisions don't act on impulse, work through the pro's and con's for every Decision that you make.

During your life and everyday you can course correct your Decisions.

Only make Decision that take you closer to your GOALS

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

One door shuts another door OPENS

If not, then why not? 

There is always a new choice and a new option. Do you stop short of considering this?

One of the primary attributes of Successful people is they never give up. 

“Never give up. Never give up. Never, never, never.”

When one door shuts, it is time to look for how something new can work. 
It’s easy to see how it can’t work—anyone can see that (and this is the common response). 

Keep looking for the new option or opportunity. Evaluate your Compass Heading and your North Star—has something shifted? Open your thinking to new ways to get where you want to go.


Many times, in retrospect, a closed door is really an improvement in disguise. 
Find con?dence in this fact alone. 
Act in accordance with your heart’s desire, in spite of past experiences and/or doubts.
 This is the way to stand out from the herd. 

New opportunities and adversity will arise as you go through your process, requiring Course Correction along the way.

Keep walking the walk.

You have to change to change.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Your life is a combination of outside (visible) and inside (invisible) realities.

Life is made up of both! 

What do you want on the outside of your life? 

  • Your house? 
  • Your car?  
  • What do you like to do with your spare time? 
  • The computer you use? 
  • The television you watch? 
  • What do you like to have around you? 
  • Pets? 
  • Friends? 
  • What do you like to eat? 
  • Drink? 
  • How about exercise? 
  • The beach? 
Remember, you always have a choice, and an opportunity to Course Correct. If
your outer life isn’t looking the way you prefer, make another choice. The only
thing holding you back is you. Choose it or lose it!

Some days you may feel that you are course correcting everyday, the thing is the more you course correct the closer you will get to your goals.

Your life will be like a roller coaster, some days you are high up on the ride and other you are at the bottom of the ride.

Remember to only make decision that get you closer to your goals.