Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Taking the Next Step

As I have not written in my Blog for over 4 months, I am now taking the next step to get back into writing a Blog on a regular basis.
Sometimes in life we go on a journey and travel down a path and once we just about get to the destination we realise that we have taken a wrong turn.
Taking the next step is to go back and find that fork in the road and start to move down the other road that we did not take.
This can be a big move sometime because we are stepping out of our own comfort zone to do this.
The thing is that if we all stayed in our own comfort zones we would not achieve in life.
Have you taken the wrong path or are you on the right track.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Travelling Rome

Day 2 in Rome I had booked the Hop on Hop off Bus

The bus does about an hour and half round trip my advice is to do the trip once and then decide where you want to get off and on for the day. You can spend all day looking at the churches and all the buildings and the structure. I spent about ¾ hour on one church looking amazed at the structure there is over 350 churches in Rome alone so don’t bother trying to get around them all.

I went back to the Spanish steps as my photo’s did not turn out the day before must remember to where those glasses to see what you have taken. Then onto the Trevi fountain to take another Photo. The day before were like a few hundred people in the area the next day were like thousands check out the video.

I would say that you could just walk to the attraction in Rome by yourself but its well worth getting a tour.

Lots of Photos taken during the day all will be up in a Rome album after the trip.

Day 3 off to Naples Pompeii and the Sorrento

The day was a rainy day as we departed, as we reached our first break for breakfast the day was starting to clear up. Then onto Naples well that was only a short stop by law for the driver and short 20 walk around Naples not even time to buy water. Then off to Pompeii, a short visit in the cameo factory, a guy was sitting there carving by hand that had been doing it for over 70 years the product was lovely but very dear.

Now off to lunch with the tour 3 courses, all we can say were just hoping that our dinner experience would be better.

Then spent 2 hours going through the Pompeii excavations well worth the look the only thing I would say is to try to book a tour that is only going to speak 1 language sometimes they seem to spend more time on the one that you don’t understand.

Last stop for the day off to Sorrento we were wondering what our hotel would be like and the dinner, as the standard was not the best during the day. We had a local pick us up and stopped for as to take a photo on the way great spot. We enquired with the drive about the hotel and he said that it had not been long build with was music to our ears, we arrive to be treated like kings and queens, our rooms are beautiful. Went down to dinner to get watered on hand and foot three waiters at once we ordered off the menu and were also treated to a banquet of salads and desserts well worth the stay at whatever price.

I met some lovely people on the tour 2 kiwis and a few Australians they made my day (thanks Peter & Mandy friends for life).

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Trip to Rome

My Trip to Rome

As I am typing this blog I have now been up for nearly 48 hours.

First plan trip 14 and a bit hours and the second 5 and a bit hours I had a stopover in Dubai with lifts that fit over 40 people including prams and wheelchairs, with trains that take you from one terminal to the other. Before I landed in Dubai I realised that I had lost part of my phone that I had gone to the trouble in getting a sim card of to use in Rome now the dilemma of will I buy a new phone or what. Working out the cost of deran dollars or waiting to get to Rome and working out the cost there. I purchased a phone as I arrived in Rome and within 1 hour of arriving had to use it to find my hotel.

As I arrived at the hotel previously find out that it is a public holiday tomorrow and 2 tours booked now what to do. Also had been told about walk about tour departing at the bottom of the Spanish steps. Sorted out tour 1 cancelled and the other 2 changed days. As I done a quick freshen up and attempted to get to the Spanish steps by 5.30pm have arrived at the train station only to have trouble finding which train to catch and been given wrong instructions 3 time. Now on the right direction with only 10 minutes to spare just did not understand a guard just played dumb and he showed me the way. Arrived at the Spanish steps at 5.30 on the dot only to find hundreds of people there and no one know what I was talking about in the free walk about tour. I had forgotten my map and just started walking hoping that I would come across interesting sites. Trevi fountain well done to me as I walked along eating ice cream I just tagged along another tour without them knowing. I was meant to meet up with someone that I had met on the plane because thought that I would be dark by the time I got back to my hotel. O I forgot to tell you the hotel room you cannot swing a cat around and not sure if there is enough room on the floor to put my suit case down. I had felt I would just go stir crazy if I had to stay in that hotel room, lucky that there is plenty to see in Rome and I have a good pair of sandshoes.

As I eventually found a tourist info centre and got a map to find my way back to my hotel wondering the streets feeling quite safe before dark and if you just keep walking when you are on your own and look like you know where you are going will be fine (the funny thing is that very one else is lost also).

I stumbled into a grog shop to buy a night cap and people from the plane trip were in there people we just standing around sampling the wears in the shop. I bought a small bottle of Roman Kahlua he also gave me a plastic cup to use how nice but any way the Kahlua (coffee) has not been total ground down floaties in my drink.

I glad that I did not meet up with the other people at the Spanish steps as it made me find my own way around.

Now off to have some dinner and then to bed 48 hours no sleep in taking its wear on me.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Never give up on your goals

Never Give Up

As we go up and down on the roller coast of life we have to remember never to give up.

We so many times stop trying to do something because we think it is too hard.

I have been trying to loose weight and some day just feel its tooooooooooooooo hard.

Don't eat that sweet, choocolate, hot chocolate, ice cream, those chips etc etc I could go on and on.

The thing is that we are all tempted in life and we all give up on our goals much much to easily.

You yes YOU have to set your goals in stone but the time frame in sand.

Believe in yourself first and others will believe in you.

I was inspired to write this blog from this y tube that i just watched he never gave up.

Hope you enjoy it as much as i did.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Achieving More & More

You have to believe that you are achieving more and more each and everyday.
As long as you are moving forward you are achieving the thing is not to look back because you are not going that way.
Believe in yourself and others will believe in you.
Set your goals and keep focused on them, if you go off course the that's ok don't bet yourself up about it just get back up and keep on going.
If you want to achieve something, give yourself permission to believe it is possible.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Take Responsibility and Action

Take Responsibility and for your own actions.

I just read this quote on a friends facebook thought it was well worth the share on my blog page. Thanks toVanessa and Les Brown
Have you ever had a door of opportunity slam in your face? A job application...that you did not get; a loan...that was turned down; a friendship or relationship...that ended; a proposal...where the answer was no. When this happens in pursuit of your dream, don't focus on the closed door.
Crawl through a window or tear a hole in the roof! Step back and do an assessment. What happened? What d...id you discover about yourself? What do you need to do? Who must you become to move forward in your life?

Whatever you do...don't give up simply because it becomes challenging. Don't ask for life to make it easier for you to reach your goals. Make the decision to become a better person in order to accomplish your goals. Believe this - there will be other doors and more opportunities. Know that you will be stronger, wiser, more capable and better prepared to take advantage of them, because of what you have discovered about yourself, and how you have changed in the process. You deserve!! ~ Les Brown
Go with what inspires YOU in the moment
Take Responsibility and Action

Take Responsibility and for your own actions.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Are you a GURU

Are you your own GURU?

Act with commmitment
Complete tasks
Use focus energy
Have a clear vision

Replace old habits with new ones that serve you

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Take Action


What is commitment to your?
Do you think things will just happen?

The answer is no.

If you want something to change in your life you must have commitment.
You must be committed to what ever you want.

If its a hobbies that your want to get kicked off the ground and every night your feel to tired when your get home and don't put any effort into it, well the fact is your not going to complete that task.

Commit to what you want and just do it.

Set your task weather it be five minutes a day or 1 hour a day.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Life challangers

Life's challengers
As we take each step in life we Need to climb that ladder of success.
Today I jumped out on 1 one of our training calls I feel like I was just ravelling on. Some days you just can't find the right words to express what you want to say! The thing in life is that you have to try to move yourself forward in life other wise you might as well just go and sit in a corner and give up.
 What are some of your challengers that you have had with your business?

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Why do people think that they need Electricity to keep themselves amused.
Over the past week we have had bad storms and lost power for over 54 hours.
I have spoken to many how they coped over the time and many said that hey were bored nothing to do without power.

We often go camping yes we do have access to power generator or batteries.

Why do we rely on the power to keep us amused.
I do realise that we need power for
  • Lights
  • Fridges
  • Freezers
  • TVs
  • Radios
  • White goods
  • Computer
  • Phones
The list goes on and on.

As long as the fridge / Freezers is kept powered we (only because that is what we have become accustomed to) should all have at least 1 night a week with out any thing to keep us amused.
Enjoy Life
  • Go for a walk down the park
  • Ride a bike
  • Do some exercise (cricket, fishing, hiking)
  • Play cards
  • Read a book
  • Bring out your creative side do some painting
  • Craft work
  • Sit by a camp fire


Like yourself you are good company.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Purposeful Action

Purposeful Action
  • Actions in alignment with your goals
  • Your desires
  • Results in line with your North Star & Compass Heading

Purposeful Action
  • When it is focused on bringing about a result you desire
  • Don't let things limit you

Dont believe that your the only one that can do the job right
If you don't show someone else how to do the Job they will never learn and you will never grow.

  • Choosing to act from your higher self and acting consistently
  • Be at cause rather than the effect of the results you experience
  • Belief and Decisions

Monday, January 14, 2013

Remembering that we are all HUMAN

Remembering that we are all HUMAN

The human element is constantly taken out of the equation leaving people unaware as to how to create positive change.

People’s emotional state is determined by the context they view their lives through.

This context is largely invisible to others. .

Some people believe that everyone else is out to get them, others believe that this is a dog eat dog world and some believe everything will always turn out for the best.
Once a person feels they are trapped, they have a hard time motivating themselves or can feel perpetually irritated or depressed.
As adults we can be far off our path We look around to see that everyone else is just as dissatisfied and confused as we are, and we believe that this is what life is.
The Big Game is about taking more responsibility while learning new things and applying those concepts in the real world.
A person is not measured by their number of failed attempts, they are measured by their successes. This is important to realize because all success is the result of trial and error.
Are you playing the small game or the BIG GAME
The Big Game is where self-respect and self-esteem reside.

To get involve in the Big Game take on
Personal Development Leadership Course 1/3 of a masters degree