Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Trip to Rome

My Trip to Rome

As I am typing this blog I have now been up for nearly 48 hours.

First plan trip 14 and a bit hours and the second 5 and a bit hours I had a stopover in Dubai with lifts that fit over 40 people including prams and wheelchairs, with trains that take you from one terminal to the other. Before I landed in Dubai I realised that I had lost part of my phone that I had gone to the trouble in getting a sim card of to use in Rome now the dilemma of will I buy a new phone or what. Working out the cost of deran dollars or waiting to get to Rome and working out the cost there. I purchased a phone as I arrived in Rome and within 1 hour of arriving had to use it to find my hotel.

As I arrived at the hotel previously find out that it is a public holiday tomorrow and 2 tours booked now what to do. Also had been told about walk about tour departing at the bottom of the Spanish steps. Sorted out tour 1 cancelled and the other 2 changed days. As I done a quick freshen up and attempted to get to the Spanish steps by 5.30pm have arrived at the train station only to have trouble finding which train to catch and been given wrong instructions 3 time. Now on the right direction with only 10 minutes to spare just did not understand a guard just played dumb and he showed me the way. Arrived at the Spanish steps at 5.30 on the dot only to find hundreds of people there and no one know what I was talking about in the free walk about tour. I had forgotten my map and just started walking hoping that I would come across interesting sites. Trevi fountain well done to me as I walked along eating ice cream I just tagged along another tour without them knowing. I was meant to meet up with someone that I had met on the plane because thought that I would be dark by the time I got back to my hotel. O I forgot to tell you the hotel room you cannot swing a cat around and not sure if there is enough room on the floor to put my suit case down. I had felt I would just go stir crazy if I had to stay in that hotel room, lucky that there is plenty to see in Rome and I have a good pair of sandshoes.

As I eventually found a tourist info centre and got a map to find my way back to my hotel wondering the streets feeling quite safe before dark and if you just keep walking when you are on your own and look like you know where you are going will be fine (the funny thing is that very one else is lost also).

I stumbled into a grog shop to buy a night cap and people from the plane trip were in there people we just standing around sampling the wears in the shop. I bought a small bottle of Roman Kahlua he also gave me a plastic cup to use how nice but any way the Kahlua (coffee) has not been total ground down floaties in my drink.

I glad that I did not meet up with the other people at the Spanish steps as it made me find my own way around.

Now off to have some dinner and then to bed 48 hours no sleep in taking its wear on me.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Never give up on your goals

Never Give Up

As we go up and down on the roller coast of life we have to remember never to give up.

We so many times stop trying to do something because we think it is too hard.

I have been trying to loose weight and some day just feel its tooooooooooooooo hard.

Don't eat that sweet, choocolate, hot chocolate, ice cream, those chips etc etc I could go on and on.

The thing is that we are all tempted in life and we all give up on our goals much much to easily.

You yes YOU have to set your goals in stone but the time frame in sand.

Believe in yourself first and others will believe in you.

I was inspired to write this blog from this y tube that i just watched he never gave up.

Hope you enjoy it as much as i did.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Achieving More & More

You have to believe that you are achieving more and more each and everyday.
As long as you are moving forward you are achieving the thing is not to look back because you are not going that way.
Believe in yourself and others will believe in you.
Set your goals and keep focused on them, if you go off course the that's ok don't bet yourself up about it just get back up and keep on going.
If you want to achieve something, give yourself permission to believe it is possible.