Friday, March 15, 2013

Take Responsibility and Action

Take Responsibility and for your own actions.

I just read this quote on a friends facebook thought it was well worth the share on my blog page. Thanks toVanessa and Les Brown
Have you ever had a door of opportunity slam in your face? A job application...that you did not get; a loan...that was turned down; a friendship or relationship...that ended; a proposal...where the answer was no. When this happens in pursuit of your dream, don't focus on the closed door.
Crawl through a window or tear a hole in the roof! Step back and do an assessment. What happened? What you discover about yourself? What do you need to do? Who must you become to move forward in your life?

Whatever you do...don't give up simply because it becomes challenging. Don't ask for life to make it easier for you to reach your goals. Make the decision to become a better person in order to accomplish your goals. Believe this - there will be other doors and more opportunities. Know that you will be stronger, wiser, more capable and better prepared to take advantage of them, because of what you have discovered about yourself, and how you have changed in the process. You deserve!! ~ Les Brown
Go with what inspires YOU in the moment
Take Responsibility and Action

Take Responsibility and for your own actions.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Are you a GURU

Are you your own GURU?

Act with commmitment
Complete tasks
Use focus energy
Have a clear vision

Replace old habits with new ones that serve you

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Take Action


What is commitment to your?
Do you think things will just happen?

The answer is no.

If you want something to change in your life you must have commitment.
You must be committed to what ever you want.

If its a hobbies that your want to get kicked off the ground and every night your feel to tired when your get home and don't put any effort into it, well the fact is your not going to complete that task.

Commit to what you want and just do it.

Set your task weather it be five minutes a day or 1 hour a day.