Friday, June 22, 2012

Massive Action

Massive action

Up to me

We have the tools

Use your product (be a product of the product)

Right mind set

Set Goals

Take Action

Create vision

Be Committed

Have Vision



Part of the team

Committed 100%

These are the great tips that I received from our training call this morning.

The thing is that you have to be open to listen to information that is out there, its not just what I’m doing it is what ever you are doing you must have your listing ears on and also be robust in what you do.

If you take these things into consideration you will achieve in life.

Get out there and create your own results.

In closing      PLAY FOR YOU

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Playing the game to win

There are many people who wish to play the Big Game but very few who actually do.
As a Big Gamer, you will have no shortage of friends who respect you.
Most importantly you will have self-respect. This can’t be given to you; you earn this yourself. The Big Game is where self-respect and self-esteem reside.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Ladder

Don’t follow up someone else’s ladder of life. Life is meant to be enjoyed and experienced for yourself. Experiment with what you can discover in life. What do you need to do to move up the ladder, is everyone in your life helping you to achieve your dreams. The ladder is a scale it is a tool, to create desired results. We are all standing on a rung on the ladder are you moving up or down the ladder of life. I have a little saying only make decision that bring me closer to my goals. What have you done today that is a positive move up your ladder of life. Have you made a positive move towards your goals or have you retracted in life. Yesterday I spoke to a lady that had reached out to get some information on the Home Business and when it come down to it she was not prepared to step out of her own cocoon. Act as if you could not fail take on life with positive thoughts continue to take action followed by more action. Develop your mind believe that you can’t fail, choose to success. Have a thing about this you cant think of a negative and a positive at the same time so you might as well think positive. Believe that you can create, don’t accept reality. Moving forward on the ladder creates space for others on the ladder. Take control of your life follow through with your responsibilities.

Monday, June 4, 2012

One step at a TIME

If a step seems too di???cult to undertake, break it down into smaller increments.
Do what you can easily do now; solve the problems that are easily solvable now. Resist the temptation to think too far ahead where you will likely envision an obstacle you see no possibility of overcoming.
Its is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.
Talk the walk
Negativity will enter your conversation from time to time.
Be the creator in your conversation; be the leader.
People will treat you how you allow them to; you must teach people how to treat you.
As the Law of Attention dictates, our attention is our greatest asset. It literally grants life. Gaining the ability to focus our attention at will is the single most important thing we can do.

You build skills through your ability to pay attention, and the more attention you can pay the quicker and better you can build your skill. The more attention you have to pay toward a person, the more you can co-create who they will be in your presence and the more you can see them grow and become more successful. 

This is very important in leadership. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Taking Aim

Today as I remember that I had committed to my taking Aim Project and find another hurdle, I just laugh to myself its like I looking for another way out.
That why we have challange ourselves and I have committe to this taking Aim Project.
What ever your taking aim project is just think about how you will feel when you have achieved your goal.
Feel that satisfaction, feel that joy in your heart that you  have achieve, visualise how it will look once you have complete your project.
Think about how others will be congratulating you in finishing your project.
One if my taking aim projects is not far finished stay tuned to find out more.
Remember what’s inside you that makes you special.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Conque Fear

Conque Fear
Find a better emotional state.
Create positive change
Some people believe that everyone else is out to get them, some people are afraid that they will be abandoned, others believe that this is a dog eat dog world and some believe everything will always turn out for the best. They believe this because this is their experience. They have either seen this behavior in others or they, themselves, actually behave this way.
Find something that relaxes your, de-stress with meditation and or yoga (good form of exercise at the same time).
To be able to achieve things you must find something you like.
Each choice takes work, each choice has its own set of obstacles, but only one choice leads to an upward spiral of joy and on purpose productivity.
It is in this context that personal development course allows a person to create the space to nurture and feed their remarkable, higher selves.
Conque Fear